Got some new music to get your weekend going.
If heavy electro synths and dub house are your jam, then DirtyLoud needs to be on your Apple mp3 player of choice.
TheFatRat has been remixing some great songs, Avicii's Levels, Gotye's Somebody I Used To Know, and Foster The People's Don't Stop. His chill yet engergetic productions transfer over to his mixes, like this one for instance.
Fashen has Pugs, takes cool instagrams, and is a really dope DJ. Play this mix as your leaving work with the windows down.
Richard Fraioli a Boston household name, just dropped another mix. He's a cool dude and his mixes are dope find him and follow him.... On twitter and facebook I mean, not in real life.. That would just be weird.
Sander Van Doorn is on a Rocket Ship To The Moon (Charlie Sheen Voice) with his weekly mixes and the anthems he's been pumping out. He should be filling up the S section in you iPod.