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Posts By: Zach Fraser

Caleb Moore X Games Snowmobile Crash

Caleb Moore X Games Snowmobile Crash

Posted January 31, 2013 @ 2:36pm by Zach Fraser  |  Filed Under: Breaking News

As most of you know X Games ended last weekend, in fact it was the 17th annual X Games showing the progression of snow sports to the fullest extent. Unfortunately, there was a horrific accident that occurred in the Snowmobile Freestyle competition on Thursday night. At 25 years of...

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Where to Hike: Mt Monadnock, Mt Lafayette, Camels Hump

Where to Hike: Mt Monadnock, Mt Lafayette, Camels Hump

Posted September 15, 2012 @ 4:06pm by Zach Fraser  |  Filed Under: Outdoors

This past summer was very eventful. I spent a lot of time in Burlington, VT for school, but back home I spent days and nights with the TSM crew preparing for this winter. We logged a lot of surf time behind the boat, and in-between my busy schedule I found time to hike a few mountains throughout...

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