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6 Awesome Ski Fails

Posted June 12, 2012 @ 10:05am | by George Michaelsen

Fail pictures are very educational.  It's a great way to learn from somebody elses mistakes, instead of learning the hard way.  Remember to think before you do, could save you a lot of pain and probably some embarassment too.  

Ski Fail Chairlift Sign

Amazing that no one thought this looked funny during the design, manufacturing, or installation process.

Ski Chairlift Fail, Guy falls off naked

This one has been all over the internet. How does something like this happen? 

Ski Fail Leotard Gaper

Not a complete fail. The girl he's skiing by is smiling and checking him out.

Pond Skimming Ski Fail

This probably happened because her sunglasses are on upsided down.

Ski School Fail

Again.. How does this make it through the approval process?

Wii Skiing Video Game Fail

This picture above isn't the fail, that's the video game the guy is playing below when he fails epically.  You don't have to be on the hill to hurt yourself, dog, or property skiing, it can also happen while playing Wii.  This is one of the best ski fails I've ever seen.

The Ski Monster Logo

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