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Eric Gerrmann

Fave MTN: Aspen

Eric, born and raised in western Massachusetts, dabbled in skiing at a young age at the sprawling local vista known as Mt Tom. He went on to attend college in the eastern part of the state, where his love for skiing and curiosity of the ski business started to take shape. He and fellow compatriot George went on to start from their lovely college apartment. Pulling ideas from the inspirational surroundings of an oversized bean bag, a few hand-me-down couches and a tropical beach scene that someone crassly pasted onto the walls.

As both young aspiring entrepreneurs started to proposition their ideas into action, they most likely did not recognize that these early moments would lead to an epic ski-industry journey with them eventually opening a brick-and-mortar retail operation in downtown Boston. Now Eric works as an avid ski tester, content contributor, multiple season pass holder and dedicated TSM stoke spreader. While he currently resides in the North End of Boston, you can also find him in the woods of New Hampshire with his wife and 4 year old son doing live free or die things… Or he’s most likely watching soccer.

  • Age: 36
  • Height: 5'11
  • Weight: 190
  • Deadlift: PR 335 x 4
  • Fave Mtn: Aspen
  • Local Fave: Stowe
  • Apres Bev: Corona


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