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On Snow: 21/22 Testing with Fischer

Posted January 12, 2021 @ 6:18pm | by Matt Berkowitz

Brand test day with Fischer. Cold, cloudy, mostly firm groomed conditions. We started on some of the narrower models like the RC ONE GT 86Ti then moved into the Ranger lineup before testing some 22/23 Ranger Prototypes. 

skiing, ski test, ski testing, fischer, the ski monster

skiing, ski test, ski testing, fischer, the ski monster

George on the Ranger 92Ti with a new FW Forward kit.

skiing, ski test, ski testing, fischer, the ski monster

skiing, ski test, ski testing, fischer, the ski monster

fischer, ranger 102FR, ski test, the ski monster

The Ranger 102FR has been a staff favorite for a couple seasons now. #pinkskigang

skiing, ski test, ski testing, fischer, the ski monsterskiing, ski test, ski testing, fischer, the ski monsterthe ski monster, skiing, ski testing, sunapee, fischerTime to try some products from the future! We skied a few versions of some new Ranger models that will be released in 22/23.

skiing, the ski monster, ski testing, fischer

George in the Lange XT3 LV boots.

skiing, ski test, ski testing, fischer, the ski monster

Eric in the new Elevenate Brevent jacket.

skiing, ski test, ski testing, fischer, the ski monster

Prototypes skied well! We gave our feedback to the product manager and look forward to skiing the next versions this spring.

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Filed Under: Skiing | Permalink
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