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Inspirational Video Playlist

Posted May 23, 2012 @ 10:37am | by George Michaelsen

Earlier today we did a little joke about Tanner Hall's use of the Caps Lock button on our Facebook page.  As you know Tanner says "INSPIRED" pretty often, so it got me thinking about doing a blog on stuff that inspires me.  These are 5 videos that inspire me to get up and try something new and remind me that hardwork and practice do pay off.  An inspirational video playlist if you will.  As the OutKast Lyrics go; You Need to Get up, Get Out and Get Something.  

"You don't stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing" 

Click the YouTube link and check out his YouTube Channel, it's full of B-Boy awesomeness.

This is a real place, The Tempest Freerunning Academy is located in Los Angeles California.  If you're in the area or into Freerunning or parkour you should make your way over there; Adult open gym is only $10.

Ken Block is pretty much the definition of "The Man".  He founded and sold DC Shoes, has the DC Mountain Lab, and is a sick Rally Driver.

The goal of this movie is to document the future of mountain biking as it unfolds in real time.  Open iTunes and search for it. It's Awesome!

Candide, has been around for sometime.  One of the first big freestyle skis was his promodel, that was over 10 years ago, the guy still kills it on the mountain, looking forward to seeing the full length film.

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