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Where to Wakeboard: Lake George, New York

Posted June 13, 2012 @ 8:29am | by The Ski Monster

If your a wakeboard enthusiast on the east coast or even the extreme nomadic adventurous type from Godonlyknowsville, Lake George, located in upstate New York, is a must see for all riders. With its crystal clear waters and sprawling mountainous landscape, it is truly one of the most gorgeous lakes in this great country. There is an enormous amount of water to explore, and one can easily get overwhelmed by the epicness of the Adirondack Mountains that ascend above the lake in every direction.

The lake, which is over 32 miles long running south to north, provides numerous locations that are ideal for shredding. With a little help from Lake George locals Beau and Liz, we were able to seek out a few awesome areas that were perfect for both wakeboarding and wakesurfing. We didn't even come close to experiencing all of the riding spots Lake George has to offer, but these are two zones that I am particularly stoked on.

Lake George, Where to wakeboardLake George, Where to wakeboard

Where to Wakeboard: Van Warmer Bay, Northwest Bay - Lake George

Van Warmer Bay is a large bay located on the southeast part of the lake. The bay offers protection from the busy waters of the main lake. Its position behind a large island and connection with smaller bays to the south, make it an ideal area for wakeboarding. The bay shares water with three smaller bays, Harris Bay, Warner Bay and Sandy Bay. The smaller bays are also good spots to ride with the exception of Sandy Bay, which is a popular mooring and rafting site for party goers. When riding this area wakeboard runs can easily last from one bay to the next, so there are ample opportunities for long passes. This area of Lake George is fantastic spot to find calm water and get in some solid riding anytime of day.

The northern point of the lake's most western section, is exactly where you will find this epic riding spot. Northwest Bay is a dream location for any wakeboarder or wakesurfer. It is especially awesome when the wind is blowing out of the north. When the southern waters are a bit choppy, head directly to Northwest Bay for glassy water and some ridiculous scenery. This bay has a gorgeous backdrop of rock cliffs and NY state forest beauty. The monstrous hanging cliffs engulf the bay and make every wakeboard pass feel so much sweeter. Any wakeboader looking to get some epic shots while riding in an insane location, check out Northwest Bay.

Lake George is a unreal wakeboarding haven that attracts thousands of visitors each year. I recommend everyone experience the natural beauty and phenomenal riding that Lake George has to offer. Whether your a die-hard wakeboarder or just along for the journey, the lake beautifully accommodates everyones needs. With incredible dining options, pull-up restaurant/bars and one of the best parties a boater can attend, Lake George is a true American destination.

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