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When do ski areas start making snow?

Posted October 30, 2010 @ 10:47pm | by The Ski Monster

Natural snow can be hard to come by this time of year, and if snow does fall it is likely gone within a few days.  Not exactly base building snow, either.  We have to heavily rely on the cold temperatures that help making the fake snow possible…but it’s still snow.  Or should it be spelt snaux?  It doesn’t matter.   

So, When do ski areas start making snow?

The most important thing we should care about for the guns to start and keep on cranking is having a Wet Bulb Temperature of 27 degrees F or less.   What are the right weather conditions to get down to that critical number?  It is a combination of Air Temperature and Relative Humidity.  I’ll just leave it at that.  Search for the details when you feel like getting your nerd on.  It’s actually kind of interesting and vital information that has a direct impact on our your “Day 1” turns.     

Just go to the useful chart below, save it, print it out, memorize it, just have it handy next time you are watching The Weather Channel or looking up the current weather conditions close to your favorite hill.  Temperature and Relative Humidity.  Remember those numbers, check your chart, and see if you get 27 or less…then you’re a winner!!!   If you are a winner there is a great chance the mountains are even bigger winners and likely making and blowing tons and tons of base building snow for us to play on very soon!!   

Think cold. 

Snow Making Chart

The Ski Monster Logo, Snow Making

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