New gear for winter 2010-2011 is already starting to roll in and it's only MAY, not even Memorial Day yet!! This is super early to be getting stuff in.
We have started receiving gear from Nordica and K2; Nordica Ace of Spades, K2 Rictors, and K2 True Luvs. I know it's only three models but it's already coming in so I felt like I had to blog about it.
2 of 3 skis for next year we already have in the office, have rocker, this is going to be much more prevalent next season than it was this last year. Rocker was all over the snowboards, now it's in skis! If you are looking for a ski that is able to go through the crud or soft stuff better, or just hook up in a turn more easily rockered tips are for you!! And if you're a pow lover and if you haven't skied on rockered tails.... YOU NEED TO!
I'll discuss rocker more in the future