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Line Traveling Circus

Posted December 19, 2012 @ 9:42am | by The Ski Monster

The Line Traveling Circus rolled through this past weekend, and did an awesome job of rallying the local shredders. Andy Parry, Ian Compton, Ross Imburgia and a bunch of other Traveling Circus skiers hit up Nashoba Valley Ski Area for some early season park laps. Local new england skiers came out to show their support for these guys and what they're doing. The Line Traveling Circus is a great way for young freestyler skiers to ski and connect with these pro riders. Local freestylers got to see that the Traveling Circus guys are just normal dudes doing what they love. After they skied through Nashboa's Park Setup, the guys came through the shop with bunch of kids and gave out a ridiculous amount of free schwag.

Big shout out to these guys, and what they are doing! The Line Traveling Circus is absolutely great for our industry. Andy, Ian, Ross and the rest of their crew are helping to grow freestyle skiing, by showing everyone how much fun they're having! It was awesome for them to roll through, and all of us at TheSkiMonster wish them the best of luck and continuous success. Keep raising stoke levels everywhere!

Check out their latest edit from Nashoba Valley on Newschoolers:

The Weak: The End of the world

Line Traveling Circus, The Ski Monster


The Ski Monster

Filed Under: Skiing | Permalink
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