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Landing in Powder on your skis or snowboard off a cliff or a little drop feels pretty awesome. Maybe you scoped out the drop before you go or you just sent it because you were feeling it that day. As temps warm up and Summer approaches the likely hood of a fluffy pow day lessens. I don't think there is such thing as getting sick of skiing powder and seeing this gif of a cat landing in Pow reminded me a lot of all the drops I took this season on pow days.
In case you're wondering what it feels like to drop a little cliff on your skis or board this is kinda what it feels like on an epic day.... Minus the adrenaline, the Hi-Fives and the hooting and hollering that happens after you or one of your buddies does something sick. Hopefully you had your Go-Pro or Contour going, so you can relive the experience in the warmer months and yea share it with your buddies that don't believe you. I mean everybody always says they have epic snow when their friends are family aren't there right? Kinda like the fishermans story.
Cheers to Mother Nature for giving us some snow this season.