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2012 Ride DH2 Review

Posted October 11, 2011 @ 10:33am | by The Ski Monster

The 2012 Ride DH2 Snowboard features a brand new design from Ride Snowboards. The big change in the DH2 is the new camber design from ride called Hybrid Twin. The Hybrid Twin camber profile gives riders the best of both worlds, those worlds being the traditional camber world and the rocker world.

Last year’s DH2 model hosted what Ride called Prorize which meant the board was totally flat with no camber and turned up earlier in the tip and tail. The 2011 DH2 also contained Pop-Rods which are carbon rods placed in the board to give it a more playful, poppy feel this translates to more ollie power! Both the 2011 and 2012 models contain pop-rods 2.0 which is the middle of the road Pop-rods offered from Ride. Version 1.0 offers some pop, Version 3.0 offers the most pop.

The 2012 DH2 contains the new technology available from Ride Snowboards called Hybrid Twin. Hybrid Twin rocker technology is designed to offer all the benefits of a rockered snowboard while maintaining all of the performance characteristics of a traditional cambered snowboard. The Tip and tail of the DH2 contain micro rocker and a transfer to regular camber is made underfoot. This design would best suit the freestyle rider looking for a fun playful board that can guarantee a solid landing platform for the park or backcountry.

2012 Ride DH2 Review aka The Bottom Line: A solid freestyle board that has a ton of pop and can withstand the hardest of landings.

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